Liberalism in general depends on reciprocity. Such reciprocity can come from commitment to the idea of tolerance, but it more likely arises from fear (or maybe rational self interest) as you note here.
That's right. If you look closely at the signpost moments in the history of religious freedom, you'll usually find a lot of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type thinking. For example, the point of the 1689 Toleration Act in the UK was the "unite their Majesties Protestant subjects in interest and affection" (notable language!) because they figured a united Protestant front would decrease the odds of another Catholic restoration. So they pulled back on persecuting Baptists and (some) other non-conformists.
According to our Constitution, every religion has the right to free practice of that religion. That includes Christians. This guy also has the right to destroy a statue he believes is satanic. He also must pay the consequences of his actions in this society. I am sure he will pay the price. Satan and his followers only want to distract from the true reason for CHRISTmas, Jesus Christ! Jesus was born of a virgin, sinless and remained so, to die on a cross, so we all can be forgiven for the sin nature we all are born with. You don't have to believe it for it to be fact. It is truer than anything else in this world! Statues are just that. They are deaf, dumb and blind just like everyone who believes they are gods and doesn't believe in Almighty God and his son Jesus the Christ the messiah!
I wouldn't say he has a "right" to destroy the statue, which is someone else's property and religious expression. We wouldn't say, for example, that an atheist has the "right" to burn a cross that belongs to a local church simply because they'll serve jail time for it.
Liberalism in general depends on reciprocity. Such reciprocity can come from commitment to the idea of tolerance, but it more likely arises from fear (or maybe rational self interest) as you note here.
That's right. If you look closely at the signpost moments in the history of religious freedom, you'll usually find a lot of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" type thinking. For example, the point of the 1689 Toleration Act in the UK was the "unite their Majesties Protestant subjects in interest and affection" (notable language!) because they figured a united Protestant front would decrease the odds of another Catholic restoration. So they pulled back on persecuting Baptists and (some) other non-conformists.
According to our Constitution, every religion has the right to free practice of that religion. That includes Christians. This guy also has the right to destroy a statue he believes is satanic. He also must pay the consequences of his actions in this society. I am sure he will pay the price. Satan and his followers only want to distract from the true reason for CHRISTmas, Jesus Christ! Jesus was born of a virgin, sinless and remained so, to die on a cross, so we all can be forgiven for the sin nature we all are born with. You don't have to believe it for it to be fact. It is truer than anything else in this world! Statues are just that. They are deaf, dumb and blind just like everyone who believes they are gods and doesn't believe in Almighty God and his son Jesus the Christ the messiah!
I wouldn't say he has a "right" to destroy the statue, which is someone else's property and religious expression. We wouldn't say, for example, that an atheist has the "right" to burn a cross that belongs to a local church simply because they'll serve jail time for it.